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31 05, 2020

Primitive Technology II: Ancestral Skills

Door |2020-05-31T14:41:31+02:0031 mei 2020|0 Reacties

The Stone Age is the common denominator of mankind, and through experimental archeologythe relearning and replication of ancient skillswe take a step of discovery and understanding into this rich past. In this collection, drawn from the pages of the Bulletin of Primitive Technology, learn to create tools to fabricate more complex technologies; master the arts of the bow and arrow; build a shelter or fashion clothing from fibers or buckskin.

22 05, 2020

Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills

Door |2020-05-22T16:45:55+02:0022 mei 2020|0 Reacties

Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills is a sharing of ideas--the philosophies, the history, and the personal stories by the authorities on primitive technology from teh pages of The Bulletin of Primitive Technology. Included are instructions for creating fire and tools of wood, stone, and bone, as well as fiber adhesives, projectiles, art, and music. Practicing these primitive methods will lead the seeker towards a tangible, raw connection with the ancient past, with nature's resources and, ultimately, with the creative forces that constructed the foundation of man's survival on the planet.

22 05, 2020

Coyote Wisdom: Healing Power in Native American Stories

Door |2020-05-22T13:09:19+02:0022 mei 2020|0 Reacties

An in-depth look at the therapeutic and transformative powers of storytelling in Native American and other cultures- Explores how to create a healing state of mind using stories- Includes healing stories from Native American traditions and other cultures from around the world- By the author of the bestselling "Coyote Medicine"Stories are powerful sources of meaning that shape and transform our lives. We tell stories to track our process of personal and spiritual growth and to honor and respect the journeys we have made. Through stories we are provided with experiences of spiritual empowerment that can lead to transformation.In "Coyote Wisdom, " Lewis Mehl-Madrona explores the healing use of stories passed down from generation to generation in Native American culture and describes how we can apply this wisdom to empower and transform our own lives. A storytelling approach to transformation starts with how we were created and how we can re-create ourselves through the stories we tell. As we explore the archetypal characters and situations that populate the inner world of our stories, we can experience breakthroughs of healing and even miracles of transformation.This approach to healing through stories runs counter to the current model of modern psychology. The stories we tell about ourselves may model our lives, but by introducing new characters and plots, we can come to see ourselves in a new way. The author also draws upon the cultures of other indigenous peoples--the Maori, East Africans, Mongolians, Aborigines, and Laplanders--to illustrate the healing use of stories throughout the world.

22 05, 2020

Everyday Life of the North American Indian

Door |2020-05-22T12:02:50+02:0022 mei 2020|0 Reacties

This book by the author of several outstanding studies of ancient peoples vividly recounts the story of the Native Americans — from their earliest beginnings as immigrants from the Asian mainland, to their lives as "captives" on U. S. government-authorized reservations. A story of great depth and perspective, Everyday Life of the North American Indian traces the subjects' various roles in the New World: as nomad, hunter, and farmer; as athlete, warrior, parent, and spouse; as medicine people, worshipper, artist, and craftsman. Enhanced with more than 100 illustrations, this comprehensive, highly readable book will be valued by students of American history and welcomed by all those intrigued by Native American culture.

20 05, 2020

By the Fire: Sami Folktales and Legends

Door |2020-05-20T19:01:11+02:0020 mei 2020|0 Reacties

Although versions of tales about wizards and magical reindeer from northern Scandinavia are found in European folk and fairytale collections, stories told by the indigenous Nordic Sami themselves are rare in English translation. The stories in By the Fire, collected by the Danish artist and ethnographer Emilie Demant Hatt (1873–1958) during her travels in the early twentieth century among the nomadic Sami in Swedish Sápmi, are the exception—and a matchless pleasure, granting entry to a fascinating world of wonder and peril, of nature imbued with spirits, and strangers to be outwitted with gumption and craft.

20 05, 2020

Animal Wisdom: The Definitive Guide to the Myth, Folklore and Medicine Power of Animals

Door |2020-05-20T16:55:16+02:0020 mei 2020|0 Reacties

In this illustrated guide to the legends, rituals and magical powers of animals, Jessica Dawn Palmer explores over 70 of the Northern Hemisphere's most loved animals. Each animal is described by: / their physical details / their habitat and how they live / their traits and characteristics / the legends and mystical traditions that surround them / the medicine and healing power associated with them The animals range from the humble to the magnificent, from ant, cat and dog, through badger, beaver and bear, to eagle, frog, snake, vulture and wolf.

20 05, 2020

Animal Wisdom: Definitive Guide to Myth, Folklore and Medicine Power of Animals

Door |2020-05-20T16:55:16+02:0020 mei 2020|0 Reacties

In deze geïllustreerde gids voor de legendes, rituelen en magische krachten van dieren, Jessica Dawn Palmer verkent meer dan 70 van de meest geliefde dieren van het noordelijk halfrond. Elk dier wordt beschreven door: / hun fysieke details / hun habitat en hoe ze leven / hun eigenschappen en kenmerken / de legendes en mystieke tradities die hen omringen / de geneeskunde en helende kracht in verband met hen De dieren variëren van de nederige tot de prachtige, van mier, kat en hond, door das, bever en beer, tot adelaar, kikker, slang, gier en wolf.

18 05, 2020

Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest: Tracking and Identifying Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Invertebrates

Door |2020-05-18T21:27:47+02:0018 mei 2020|0 Reacties

It's possible to safely see fascinating wildlife—if you know what to look for and where and if you understand what you see. Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest makes it easier than ever with illustrated descriptions for more than 180 mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates.

18 05, 2020

Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest: Het opsporen en identificeren van zoogdieren, vogels, reptielen, amfibieën en ongewervelde dieren

Door |2020-05-18T21:27:47+02:0018 mei 2020|0 Reacties

Het is mogelijk om fascinerende dieren in het wild veilig te zien- als je weet waar je moet zoeken en waar en als je begrijpt wat je ziet. Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest maakt het gemakkelijker dan ooit met geïllustreerde beschrijvingen voor meer dan 180 zoogdieren, vogels, reptielen, amfibieën en ongewervelde dieren.

18 05, 2020

Het Prentenboek

Door |2020-05-18T15:27:06+02:0018 mei 2020|0 Reacties

Het Prentenboek is een uitgebreid naslagwerk voor volwassenen over de voetafdrukken van zoogdieren, vogels, amfibieën, reptielen en ongewervelden die voorkomen in Noordwest-Europa. In het boek van 452 pagina’s worden de prenten van ruim honderd soorten behandeld met meer dan 700 foto’s en ruim 350 tekeningen. Het Prentenboek is gemaakt door René Nauta en Aaldrik Pot. Ze hebben er meer dan drie jaar aan gewerkt, maar eigenlijk bevat het meer dan veertig jaar ervaring met het zoeken naar prenten en sporen.

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